Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Self survey

1. Are you slowy drifting away from someone close? If I am, it is intentional and for my own good.

2. When was the last time you felt unbearably guilty? Good question. I guess a while ago because I can't remember.

3. How is life going for you right now? Lots of changes. Adjusting.

4. When was the last time you held someone's hand? When I kept Ethan the weekend before last.

5. Who can you tell everything to? God. He already knows anyway.

7. Who was the last person you talked to on AIM? I haven't been on AIM in forever.

8. Last words you spoke? "Bye!" lol

9.Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a C? Yes

13. How do you feel about gay marriage? I'm not the one to judge.

14. What is the next concert you're going to? Probably EHSS, but it won't be for a while.

17. Can you play guitar hero? Never tried, so I guess not. lol

18. Do you like someone? I like a lot of people! ;)

21. Is any part of your body sore? My back from sitting at my desk all day. Need to stretch it.

22. Who was your last text from? Reese

23. What is the last movie you watched in theaters? Dilemma

24. What do you currently hear right now? My fan and the radio

27. Who did you kiss this year at midnight? Well, I was with Damond but he was asleep. So, no one.

28. Who did you last share a bed with? Ethan. My little cuddle bug :)

32. Do fish have feelings? Lol. What a random question. Well, they get in fights with each other, so I guess they can get mad. (It's weird that I know that.)

34. What do you currently smell like? My shampoo. (Where did question 33 go?)

35. How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? No idea. I just take life as it comes.

36. Would you rather watch football or baseball? Football definitely, but I like baseball too as long as it's in person. (Love going to the Braves stadium!)

37. Missing someone right now? Yes, I've been missing my godkids like crazy all week!

38. What's the strangest fact about you? That I can't stand for my socks to be twisted? That's a hard question.

39. Where is your number one person on your friends list? This was obviously made for old-school myspace. lol

43. How much money do you have on you? I have some change and credit and debit cards. I don't normally carry cash.

44. Do you sleep naked? Not usually. Maybe if I'm sick or really hot.

45. Favorite color? Pink or blue

46. Do you burn easily in the sun? If I haven't been laying out recently, I usually burn if I stay out too long. But with sunscreen I'm okay.

47. Do you speak another language other than English? A little spanish.

48. What made you happy today? Good convo with a friend via text messages :)

52. What's something you enjoy? Shopping, getting my nails done, GA football, time with my godbabies.

53. Where and who did your last hug take place? At my former church on Sunday night. I can't remember with who though. We hugged so many people.

54. Did you cry today? No

55. Have you ever had mono? No. Thank goodness.

56. The last place you were (besides now)? Applebees with Brooke

59. The last gift you received? All my Christmas gifts

60. How many times a day do you drop your cell phone? Dang. Probably twice a day. (Too many times.)

61. The top three things you spend the most money on? Food, nails, and my godkids.

62. Last food you ate? Chicken

63. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? How he carries himself.

64.One of your favorite songs? Walkaway Joe will always be one of my favs.

65.The school you attend? I'm not in school anymore.

66. Your cell phone provider? T-Mobile

67. Favorite store in the mall? Probably The Limited

68. The longest job you had? If you count both hospitals, Northside.

69. The biggest lie you've ever heard? That my sisters aren't gayfers. What a joke.

70. In your opinion, do long distance relationships work? If you have a good foundation before you separate and 100% trust, yes. But it's hard to maintain.

71. Do you drink coffee? I like the smell of it, but I don't drink it.

72. What do you wanna say to your most recent ex? I'll have to message him tomorrow after my doctor's appt to let him know how it went. We don't talk regularly, but we are still friends.

73. Do you believe in God? Absolutely

74. How many pillows do you usually sleep with? 3

75. What are you wearing now? My work clothes.

76. How many pets do you own? Two. Wait...those are my sisters. My bad. :)

77. What are you doing tomorrow? Working and going to the doc.

78. Can you play ping pong? No I suck at it!

79. Which place has the best burgers? My dad makes the best burger ever!

80. Have you ever attended a themed party? Does a baby shower count?

81. Have you ever thrown a party? Two bacherlorette parties for close friends and a few baby showers.

82. What time did you wake up this morning? 6am, but I wake up often throughout the night.

83. Last time you were in trouble with the cops? Got a speeding ticket once. I don't know if that counts as trouble though.

84. What color underwear are you wearing? Black

85. What are your plans for this weekend? Dinner with a friend on Friday, Monkey Joe's with all the kids on Saturday, and Super Bowl on Sunday! And house cleaning and laundry somewhere in there.

86. How many days is it until your birthday? Too many to count. It's in September.

87. What do you want to be when you "grow up"? I like what I'm doing now (research), but I do want to finish my degree one day.

88. Have you ever been in the hospital for an emergency? Not a life or death one, but I've had to go to the ER a few times.

89. What jewelery are you wearing? Earrings. And I think it's funny how the person that made this survey can't spell.

90. Do you like avocado? Don't think so

91. What color shirt are you wearing? Black and light purple

92. How long is your hair? Ummm...about halfway between my shoulders and my boobs. Sorry, I didn't know how else to explain it. :)

93. When was the last time you smiled? Earlier today

94. Where is the phone? Dang, I don't know lol. Guess I better go find it! :)


  1. You just use surveys to make fun of me and Ashley!

  2. I only poke fun because I love you! Honest!
